Post by disciple on Jun 8, 2010 9:11:06 GMT -5
Session 3 The Redemption Plan of the Old Testament
Through the Lamb
Through the Lamb
Abraham and Isaac - The Passover
The Stranger On The Road To Emmaus
Chapters 6 & 7
The Stranger On The Road To Emmaus
Chapters 6 & 7
Gen 21, 22; Exodus 12
Perspective for the Teacher
When talking about salvation, we usually begin in the New Testament with the life of Christ. But where does the story begin? God promised a Deliverer when Adam committed his first sin. Throughout the Old Testament, this demonstration of God’s grace is obvious.
Understanding the lamb as a substitute for man helps us understands Christ as a substitute for each of us. Death and blood was necessary for the atonement of sin. Abraham and the Israelites give us examples of faith as we trust God alone to provide the perfect sacrifice for our sins.
I. Abraham
a. Abraham was a descendant of Shem
(See the chart on page 101)
Many years had passed from the scattering of the people from the Tower of Babel.
God kept a list of descendants from Noah to Christ
But the list was about to end because “But Sarai was barren; she had no child.” Gen 11:3
God had made a promise that He would send A Deliverer.
The story of Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac illustrate that God keeps His promises.
b. God gave instructions to Abram (Gen 12:1-2)
God spoke directly to Abram. The Bible hadn’t been written yet.
Told him to GO. Leave his country
II. Trouble between Lot & Abraham’s herdsmen
(This isn’t in the book, but an excellent story in the chronological teaching. Abram’s life is a good example of faith and trust in God. Lot is an example of how WE make choices.)
a. The problem that came up - not enough food for all the cattle (Gen 13:5-7)
b. Abram’s solution - gave Lot the choice of land (Gen 13:8-9)
Abram trusted God to take care of his needs
c. Lot’s choice - the best land (Gen 13:10-11)
Greedy - no trust in God
Like many of our choices
d. Lot chose to be near Sodom (Gen 13:12-13)
Saw the wickedness
Didn’t join into the wickedness but move nearby
Illustrates how we look at sin. First attracted to it, but keep a little distance
Results? Not very good. (See later in the Sodom & Gomorrah story.)
III. God’s promises - Abram’s Faith
a. God’s promises were renewed to Abram (Gen 13:14-17)
b. God repeated the promises. (used the stars to illustrate--Gen 15:5)
c. God promised again when Abraham was 99 years old (Gen 17:1)
d. Abram was a GOOD man - righteous. Why?
Gen 15:6 "And he believed in the LORD, and He accounted it to him for righteousness. "
Righteous ONLY by his faith in God.
This faith was tested over many years.
IV. Isaac As a Sacrifice to God
a. God fulfilled his promise. He gave a son to Abraham and Sarah. (Gen 21:1-3)
Abraham was 100. Sarah was 90 years old.
Even though many years had passed, God hadn’t changed His mind.
God always keeps His promises.
b. God commanded Abraham to offer up Isaac (Gen 22:1-2)
Testing Abraham - Did he love Isaac more than God?
c. Abraham believed God (Gen 22:3-5)
He trusted God even in this difficult situation.
Hebrews 11:19 says that he believed that even if he killed Isaac, God would raise Isaac from the dead.
d. Isaac questioned and Abraham answered (Gen 22:6-8)
Abraham remained confident in the Lord.
Not only HEARING God’s commands, but DOING them. Complete trust.
e. Abraham bound Isaac (Gen 22:9-10)
There was no escape.
Just like:
-God has shut the door of the ark. No escape for those outside the ark who hadn’t believed God.
-God had sent fire on Sodom & Gomorrah. No escape.
-Sin has bound US. No escape
Only God can provide a way out.
f. God told Abraham to not kill his son. Why? (Gen 22:10-12)
Abraham had demonstrated his complete trust and believe in God.
God had another plan.
g. God Provided a Ram to Take Isaac’s Place (Gen 22:13)
Caught by the horns - not injured - perfect
The ram was placed where Isaac had been.
The ram died instead of Isaac. It was his substitute, Abraham or Isaac couldn’t provide a substitute. Only God.
God again promised the Deliverer through Abraham’s line (Gen 22:14-19)
h. Conclusion of this story
God can be completely trusted to fulfill his promises.
He provided a way for Isaac to escape.
We are bound in sin with no way to escape. God can provide a way for us to escape the penalty of sin.
Abraham not only “heard God with his ears”, but he believed and trusted Him.
V. The Passover
a. God gave specific instructions to Moses and the Israelites
They must choose a lamb without blemish (Ex 12:1-5)
-As the ram that took Isaac’s place
-God is perfect. He wouldn’t accept an offering that was blemished.
They must kill the lamb and catch it’s blood in a basin (Ex 12:6)
-A reminder that the punishment for sin is death
They must place the blood on both the doorposts and above the door (Ex 12:7)
They must stay inside the house on which they had placed the blood (Ex 12:22)
-They would be hiding behind the blood of the lamb that was killed in place of the firstborn.
They must not break any of the lamb’s bones (Ex 12:46)
b. God promised that when He saw the blood on the door, he would not allow the plague to enter that house and kill the firstborn (Ex 12:12-14)
The lamb had taken the place of the firstborn
A great example of Christ’s death and blood as a substitute for us.
c. Israel’s faith and obedience (Ex 12:28)
They had to trust God.
They had to do exactly what he told them to do.
d. All the Egyptian’s firstborn died
They hadn’t trusted God. They hadn’t done what He told them to do.
Not one of the firstborn of the Israelites died. They had trusted God.
e. Pharaoh told the Israelites to go (Ex 12:31-36)
Pharaoh was not able to fight against God.
The Lord delivered His people just as He said He would.